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91+ Social Media Statistics Worth Knowing This 2024

Updated on June 1, 2024

10 min to read

Content Writer

Published January 6, 2024

91+ Social Media Statistics Worth Knowing This 2024
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Do you want to create high-performing social media marketing campaigns this 2024?

If you answered “yes,” then you need to equip yourself with insightful social media marketing statistics so you can:

  • Make informed marketing decisions
  • Have a better audience understanding
  • Optimize your marketing spend
  • Create content that highly resonates with your audience
  • Etc.

In this guide, we put together 91+ social media marketing statistics so you don’t have to scour the web to get the information you need.

Table of contents

E-commerce-related social media marketing statistics

76% of users who purchased a product based on a brand’s social media post reflect how social media changed the face of retail. (Source:

77% of small businesses use social media to connect with customers. (Source:

26.8% of online users aged 16 to 64 find new brands, products, and services via social media ads. (Source:

More than one in five Gen X, Millennial, and Gen Z social media users made an in-app purchase within the past three months. (Source:

43% of businesses that offer customer service via social media platform Direct Messages (DMs) have customer reps responding to messages. 41% of the companies leave the task of responding to customer service-related DMs to the marketer managing the specific platform, and 13% use automated tools such as chatbots. (Source:

(Must read: 120+ Instagram Photo Dump Captions for IG: Best Captions for 2024)

YouTube-related social media marketing statistics

Viewers are twice as likely to purchase a product because they saw it on YouTube. (Source:

Over 70% of viewers say that YouTube makes them more aware of new brands. (Source:

68% of YouTube users watched YouTube to help make a purchase decision. (Source:

Every minute, YouTube becomes a busier place with over 500 hours of video uploaded (Source:

As of 2023, YouTube is buzzing with activity, boasting at least 2.5 billion monthly active users. (Source:

Android users are really tuning in to YouTube, spending an average of 27 hours and 19 minutes each month on the app – that’s more than a whole day every month dedicated to video binging! (Source:

YouTube viewers are on a viewing spree, collectively watching over 1 billion hours of video daily. (Source:

YouTube ads have a potential reach of 2.491 billion (users). (Source:

Brands and companies using YouTube marketing in their promotional strategies can grow revenue 49% faster than those that don’t. (Source:

(Must read: 40+ YouTube Shorts Hashtags: Best, Trending, Viral Hashtags)

Facebook-related social media marketing statistics

Facebook’s global average revenue per user (ARPU) reached USD 9.62 in April 2023(a)  (Source:

80% of online shoppers surveyed in APAC who use Meta technologies weekly made purchases after seeing personalized content on Facebook and Instagram. (Source:

Facebook’s daily hustle is impressive, with a whopping 2.037 billion people using it daily- a giant 68% of all its monthly active users. It’s like two-thirds of its community says ‘hello’ to Facebook daily! (Source:

In the 2022 U.S. social media app race, Facebook snagged the fourth spot with a hefty 45.5 million downloads. (Source:

Facebook’s monthly user base is a colossal 2.989 billion, which means 57.2% of internet users worldwide are checking in, sharing, and liking. (Source:

Android users are spending a hefty 18 hours and 17 minutes each month on the Facebook app. (Source:

Customers are 53% more likely to shop from a business they can message on Facebook. (Source:

62% of surveyed individuals said they became more interested in a product or brand after seeing it on Facebook and Instagram Stories. (Source:

(Must read: How to Create a Poll on Facebook: A Complete Guide [2024])

Instagram-related social media marketing statistics

50% of Instagram users visited an online store or website to buy a product/service after seeing it in Stories. (Source:

Instagram is bustling with 2 billion monthly active users, and it’s not slowing down – projections show a 4.7% growth in 2023, signaling even more ‘gramming and hashtagging on the horizon! (Souce:

On average, Android users are really getting their scroll on in the Instagram app, clocking in at 12 hours and 30 minutes each month. (Souce:

In 2022, Instagram was a social media sensation in the U.S., racking up a cool 72 million downloads. (Source:

According to a HubSpot survey, 25% of social media marketers say that Instagram offers the highest Return on Investment (ROI) and engagement, including the biggest potential growth in 2023. (Source:

Instagram Reels generate twice as much reach as other types of I.G. content. (Source:

According to a HubSpot survey, 35% of customers prefer short narrative content with text, videos, and photos over other Instagram content formats. (Source:

(Must read: Instagram Story Viewer Order: How Does it Work?)

Pinterest-related social media marketing statistics

Shoppers on Pinterest spend 2x more per month than people on other platforms (Source:

46% of weekly Pinners have discovered a new brand or product on Pinterest (Source:

Pinterest’s ad reach has blossomed by 20.2% in the past year, adding an impressive 48 million people to its tapestry. (Source:

A Nielsen analysis of U.S. and UK (Consumer Packaged Goods) CPG campaigns on beauty, health, and food showed that Pinterest provides 32% higher Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) than other digital platforms.  (Source:

Advertisers tapping into Pinterest can now cast their nets across a potential sea of 282.5 million people, capturing the attention of 5.5% of all internet users. (Source:

It turns out that 80% of weekly Pinterest visitors embark on a little digital treasure hunt, uncovering new brands or products – like a modern-day explorer in the vast world of online shopping! (Source:

Over half of Pinterest’s users, a solid 55%, view the platform as their digital shopping mall, browsing through the virtual aisles for their next favorite purchase. (Source:

Eight out of ten Pinterest users say they feel positive emotions when using the platform, which can amplify your social media marketing efforts. (Source:

Get ready to have your socks knocked off. Pinterest is 2.3 times more efficient in terms of cost per conversion compared to social media ads. (Source:

Pinterest shoppers spend twice as much each month than shoppers on other platforms. (Source:

Uploading your products to Pinterest Catalogs can get you five times more impressions than other users who don’t. (Source:

(Must read: How to Get Notes on Instagram [2024]: Easy Fixes & Steps)

LinkedIn-related social media marketing statistics

Over 67M companies are listed on LinkedIn (Source:

On average, LinkedIn’s click-through rate (CTR) for all content types hovers around 2.66%, which is like saying that out of every 100 digital handshakes on the platform, about three turn into meaningful engagements. (Source:

On LinkedIn, it turns out that video is the star of the show, boasting the highest engagement rate at 5.11%. (Source:

LinkedIn’s ad reach has really flexed its muscles in the past year, bulking up by 11.4%, which translates to a whopping 94 million people – talk about networking on a grand scale! (Source:

36% of marketers say that using LinkedIn’s paid ads is very effective in helping their companies reach their content marketing goals. (Source:

Marketers take note: LinkedIn is your digital megaphone to a staggering 922.3 million people, capturing the attention of 17.8% of internet users worldwide. (Source:

On LinkedIn, the 25 to 34 age bracket leads the pack with a whopping 520 million users, making them the platform’s most bustling age group. (Source:

On the global LinkedIn stage, the spotlight is shared with women, making up 43.2% of the audience, while men take up 56.8% – it’s a diverse professional crowd where everyone’s networking in their own style! (Source:

Brands that post content weekly get twice as much engagement than those that don’t. (Source:

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45% of marketers acquired customers through LinkedIn. (Source:

According to 319% of surveyed B2B marketers, LinkedIn is a very effective social media platform for organic content. (Source:

(Must read: How to Add a Promotion on LinkedIn [Step-by-Step + Pictures])

Snapchat-related social media marketing statistics

17 content partners on Snapchat reached over 50 million global viewers each in Q4 2022. (Source:

Snapchat has impressive ad engagement rates, with Sponsored Lenses having an average engagement time of 15 to 30 seconds for each use. (Source:

An average of 70% of users actively explore brand, influencer, and publisher content on Snapchat’s Discover content, driving significant engagement. (Source:

Vertical Snapchat video ads get nine times more completion rates than horizontal video ads. (Source:

More than 90% of users reported feeling positive emotions when viewing Snapchat Discover, Stories, and Lenses and Filters. (Source:

Snapchat users are 60% more likely to do impulse buying, making them one of the best people to target for social media marketing. (Source:

Snapchat generated 4.6 billion USD in advertising revenue in 2022 and is expected to grow to 8.34 billion USD by 2027. (Source:

Data shows that 39% of Snapchat users Snap with family and friends before buying a product. (Source:

Advertisers on Snapchat in 2023 can reach 65 million more users than in 2022. (Source:

The advertising reach of Snapchat in North America is 120.3 million users. (Source:

(Must read: 221+ Snapchat Username Ideas: Cool & Trendy Names + Tips)

TikTok-related social media marketing statistics

15% of TikTok users are more likely to skip a Sound-Off ad on the platform. (Source:

One US study concluded that unrecognizable, custom music saw +34% higher brand recognition and +78% higher aided recall compared to recognizable music (Source:

Adding Calls-to-Action (CTAs) in TikTok videos can increase conversion rates by up to 152%. (Source:

Over 63% of all videos with the highest click-through rate (CTR) highlight their key message or product within the first 3 seconds (Source:

TikToks shot vertically have an average 25% higher 6-second watch-through rate (Source:

A study shows that 79% of TikTok users favor brands that tailor content to the platform over those that don’t. (Source:

TikTok’s ad reach grew by 12.6% in the past year, reaching an additional 122 million people, highlighting its rapidly expanding influence in the digital advertising world. (Source:

A TikTok study showed that 50% of users purchased items after watching LIVE events on the platform. (Source:

TikTok reigns supreme in capturing users’ attention, with global Android users spending an impressive 31 hours and 32 minutes monthly on the app, making it the most engaging social platform in terms of time spent. (Source:

TikTok online buyers in the U.S. increased to 72.3%—totaling 23.7 million users. (Source:

(Must read: TikTok Drafts: How to Edit, Post, Save, and Delete Drafts)

General social media marketing statistics 

82% of marketers say they repurpose content across social media channels. (Source:

87% of marketers say that consumers are more likely to and often search for brands on social media than with search engines. (Source:

71% of businesses use social media publishing and analytics tools to manage content. (Source:

Of the formats they use, 66% of social media marketers say funny content is the most effective, followed by relatable content (63%) and trendy content (59%). (Source:

90% of the people on social media platforms follow at least one brand on the networks they use. (Source:

47% of social media marketers state that their brands sell within social media apps directly. (Source:

Marketers in the U.S. stated that they devote 17% of their marketing budget to social media marketing. (Source:

85% of marketers chose social media advertising and promoted posts for distributing paid content within the last 12 months. (Source:

More than 91% of online businesses use social media for marketing initiatives. (Source:

95% of surveyed B2B marketers use social media platforms as organic (non-paid) channels to distribute content to target audiences within the last 12 months. (Source:

(Must read: How to Make a Reel with Photos on Instagram [2024])

Usage-related social media marketing statistics 

Social media saw a 10% growth in users from 2021 to 2022, adding over 376 million new users and reaching a total of 4.62 billion people. (Source:

It is said that the regions with the highest social media saturation levels are Northern Europe and Western Europe, boasting saturation rates of 85% and 84%, respectively. (Source:

Over half of American adults aren’t satisfied with just one social media app; 56% are juggling multiple accounts because why settle for one digital universe when you can have several? (Source:

In 2024, social media will be buzzing with millennials, as 68.8 million of them are set to be the most active generation online. That’s a tiny but mighty 0.44% jump from 2023’s 68.5 million millennial social media enthusiasts. Millennials, keeping their social media game strong! (Source:

Kids are diving into the social media pool early these days. A whopping 44% of 8 to 11-year-olds are already surfing at least one social network. Fast forward to the 12-15 age group, and the number skyrockets to 87% – it seems teens can’t resist the social media magnet! (Source:

91% of social media users are glued to their mobiles and spend 80% of their social media time on these handheld devices. It’s a thumb-scrolling world out there! (Source:

Among 18-34-year-old American internet users, social media isn’t just for scrolling – nearly 40% have clicked ‘buy’ on a product they discovered there. (Source:

On average, folks dedicate a whole 3 hours each day to the art of scrolling, posting, and messaging on social media – that’s like a part-time job in the digital world! (Source:

From April 2022 to April 2023, social media gained 150 million new users, a 3.2% increase. This means about 410,000 people join social media daily, or roughly five new users every second. (Source:

Globally, 4.8 billion people use social media, accounting for 59.9% of the world’s population and 92.7% of everyone online. (Source:

On average, people are surfing across 6.6 different social networks each month. (Source:

People average 2 hours and 24 minutes of dedication daily to social media. (Source:

When you add it all up, the entire world spends a whopping 11.5 billion hours on social media platforms daily. (Source:

As of April 2023, the champions of the social media world, ranked by global active users, are Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp, Instagram, and WeChat – each leading the pack in keeping the world connected and entertained. (Source:

(Must read: How to Make a Collage on Instagram: 3 Easy Ways)

Create winning social media marketing campaigns this 2024

Having crucial insights about the social media marketing landscape is crucial to your success; however, you also need careful execution to ensure your marketing campaigns don’t go awry.

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About the Author

Content Writer

Jimmy Rodela is a social media and content marketing consultant with over 9 years of experience, with work appearing on sites such as, Yahoo, SEMRush, and SearchEnginePeople. He specializes in social media, content marketing, SaaS, small business strategy, marketing automation, and content development.

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