How to Structure Your Social Media Management Packages

Updated on June 4, 2024

9 min to read

Content Writer

Published August 3, 2023

How to Structure Your Social Media Management Packages
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How you structure your social media management packages can make or break your efforts to win new clients.

After all, pricing your services too high could discourage your potential clients from working with you.

On the other hand, pricing your services too low could make you look overly suspicious, which then causes your potential clients to decline your services.

You need to be strategic about your pricing.

Regardless of whether you opt for a $300 monthly fee for your services or a higher figure like $12,000, it is crucial not to make an arbitrary decision. Your pricing should be grounded in sound pricing principles.

In this guide, we will share some pricing tips, tricks, and crucial considerations to help you effectively structure your social media management packages.

Table of contents

What you’ll learn:

  • What are social media management packages?
  • Why having social media management packages is important
  • Tips for structuring your social media management packages
  • Use the best SMM software to streamline social media campaigns 
  • People also ask
  • What’s Next?

What are social media management packages?

Social media management packages are bundles of services you provide for clients who need help managing their social media accounts, campaigns, promotions, and more.

Put simply, the packages are the specific social media marketing services you offer clients at multiple price points.

The packages can include social media marketing strategy development, content creation, advertising, and marketing metrics tracking and reporting.

Why having social media management packages is important

If you asked yourself, “Why bother structuring my social media services into neat little packages at all?” here’s your answer:

  • Instead of starting from scratch every time you send potential clients proposals, use your social media management packages as a starting point. It makes your pricing proposals easier since you can customize each package for new clients quickly. 
  • Many potential clients prefer seeing your services’ prices before checking if your social media marketing company fits their needs. After all, if they can’t afford your services, you’re not likely to get the job even if your would-be clients think you’re the right fit.
  • Not all clients will need all your social media management services, with some only wanting two or three. Setting pricing packages helps establish a minimum bundle that can address this need. You’ll also avoid wasting time talking to clients who are not a good fit for your services. 
  • Having clear social media packages lays out what’s included or not in your services, setting your clients’ expectations from the get-go. Be clear about additional services and their corresponding charges so you don’t mislead your clients, ruining their experience with your business. 
  • Depending on your client contracts, a monthly or yearly social media management package can provide security for your clients and agency. A monthly or regular payment schedule and set package can give reassurance since clients are not likely to get out of the contract mid-month. But unless you have a solid contract, your clients can still cancel on you unexpectedly, so take every precaution to keep this from happening. 

In many ways, offering tiered pricing packages for your SMM services is better than charging your clients hourly.

For starters, it gives you better predictability when projecting your monthly revenue. Also, your arrangement with your clients becomes so much more straightforward since the amount they’ll pay, and the results they get are predetermined.

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Tips for structuring your social media management packages

Use the time-tested tips below for structuring your social media management packages.

Price for your market

A typical pricing pitfall social media managers or agencies make is they charge their services too low.

This is risky.

Setting your pricing packages too low can make your agency look shady. After all, offering services for excessively cheap rates is a common strategy that scammers use.Consider the following tips below when putting together your pricing packages:

Consider the following tips below when putting together your pricing packages:

  • The size of your target companies. Knowing your customers will help you create a pricing package relevant to your target customers’ context. As you can imagine, the marketing budgets of startups won’t be as sizeable compared to bigger, more established corporations. Larger corporations can easily afford over $10,000 monthly for their social media marketing campaigns. Startups, on the other hand, only spend less than $5,000 monthly.
  • The services you offer. The cost of running a full-stack social media management service is multiples higher than something more specific, such as content creation. When you research your competitors, remember to consider the deliverables they offer for the amount they charge.
  • The cost of your customer acquisition. Consider the total time and money you spend on sales, marketing, and other expenses to attract new clients and divide it by the number of new clients. It can tell you how much acquiring clients cost you on average. Factor this in to determine the right price points for your packages. 

Get ideas from common social media management packages

The ideal social media management package can vary for each business.

But, like taking inspiration from others when learning how to make a collage on Instagram, you can get ideas from typical SMM package prices and jump off.

The typical social media management bundles include the following:

Starter package

Starter packages might not generate a significant Return on Investment (ROI) immediately, but these can get your agency’s foot in the door.

A starter social media management package can be your starting point. It helps your brand establish a social media presence and make a good first impression.

Your starter package can include these services:

  • Social media strategy development
  • Social media content creation, including hashtags, captions, videos, images, and other graphics
  • Social media content scheduling and publishing

Full-service package

A comprehensive package provides the full-service social media support many established businesses and enterprises need.

A full-service package includes the services in a Starter Package with additional, more extensive offerings, such as engagement and community management and social media advertising services.

Ensure you have the people and resources to deliver your full-service package services, or you risk under-delivering and disappointing clients. 

Consider your scope of work 

Once you’ve decided on the social media package types, start pricing them by determining your scope of work.

When setting your package pricing, factor in these key social media management scope of work components.

  • Content quantity. Determine the times you’ll publish daily or weekly, such as twice a day or five times a week. 
  • The number of social media platforms. Set the number of platforms you’ll service for each client. Offer services to manage popular platforms for clients, including Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn, since most clients use these but don’t sleep on other rising platforms like TikTok. 

Data backs TikTok’s rise to fame, showing a 46.98% yearly user increase, making it a fast-growing channel for many businesses.

  • Engagement efforts. Figure out the time you’ll spend engaging your clients’ followers weekly. Offer services like tracking and managing your clients’ social inboxes to ensure they don’t miss audience engagement opportunities. 
  • Content creation. Determine whether you will design content from scratch or ask clients to provide brand assets and media. 

It helps you determine how much time, resources, and effort it takes to produce your clients’ content, from Facebook ads to Instagram Notes ideas, and price your packages accordingly.

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Setting your scope of work allows you to break down the time, resources, and costs associated with each deliverable.

It helps you calculate the ideal price for each social media management package.

Include the cost of the software or tools you use and your customer acquisition costs in your package pricing calculations.

Also, consider how much value you create for your clients.

A value-based pricing strategy includes charging clients based on the value they get from your services, including:

  • The value of newly acquired customers from social media to your clients. 
  • How much your clients spend on social media campaigns. 
  • Your clients’ expected revenue from their social media campaigns. 

Considering these helps you determine what value means for your clients.

It can inform your value-based pricing strategy, allowing you to cover your costs, make a good margin, and put value into the results you generate for clients.

Once you’ve determined the ideal price based on your target market, the package type, and the scope of work, create a pricing structure like this:

  • Starter package: Two social media profiles, 15 posts per week (two posts, including Instagram Stories, Facebook posts, and TikTok videos daily), and a monthly report. 
  • Premium package: Four social media profiles, 30 weekly posts, monthly reports and strategic meetings with professional social media consultants. 
  • Full-service package: All the premium package features plus additional services like social inbox and engagement tracking and management.  

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Scale your social media management packages to give a feeling of progression, giving incremental value for each tier.

Also, remember to make your pricing page easy to find so potential clients won’t need to go through hoops like doing an Instagram search by phone number

Use the best SMM software to streamline social media campaigns 

It’s vital to price your social media management packages just right.

But it’s just as crucial to use a tool to manage your clients’ multiple profiles seamlessly and deliver quality services.

Enter Vista Social, a social media management platform with all the essential and sophisticated SMM features.

Let’s start with Vista Social’s social media publishing features:

  • A Visual Planner that lets you plan and schedule your clients’ content visually using drag-and-drop tools. 
  • A post scheduler that lets you sort and schedule your clients’ social media single or bulk posts for auto-publishing on optimal times and dates. If you’re learning how to create a poll on Facebook in Stories for clients, you can also schedule them for auto-publishing. You can add your clients’ posts to a queue for publishing multiple content daily, saving you time and effort. 
  • A content calendar to simplify managing, planning, and collaborating with your team on your client’s social media campaigns and posts. 
Social Media Management Packages2
  • An approval workflow you can generate to guide tasks like your content review, submission, and approval. It helps you stay on top of everything while simplifying collaboration across your team and safeguarding your clients’ brand standards. 
  • A built-in Canva integration that helps you create, design, and edit your clients’ social media posts, including learning how to make a Reel with photos. You can do all this without leaving Vista Social. You can customize Canva’s templates with pre-set Instagram Reels dimensions and ratios. You won’t need to create content from scratch. Customize a template and slap on stunning Instagram filters while keeping your client’s posts within the social platform’s required content specs. 

Another handy feature is Vista Social’s engagement tool.

It lets you see all your clients’ social media messages, comments, mentions, and reviews in a smart inbox. 

Social Media Management Packages3

You won’t need to log in to each client’s social profile to check messages and interactions so you can make the most of their audience engagement opportunities.

Vista Social also offers social listening tools for monitoring social conversations and mentions of your client’s brand.

Use the data to uncover actionable insights to spot gaps and boost your clients’ overall brand health on social media. 

Social Media Management Packages4

Survey data shows that 82% of marketers view social listening as a highly valuable process, making Vista Social’s social listening feature an essential SMM tool.

What’s more, Vista Social’s analytics features offer intuitive tools.

These let you customize and automate your clients’ social media content and campaign performance reports.

The platform’s core social analytics features include the following:

  • Social profile performance reports that give you an overview of your client’s social growth across connected profiles. 
  • Competitor reports that track your clients’ competitors’ and future collaborators’ performance on social media platforms. You can use the data as a benchmark against your clients’ efforts and leverage it to spot opportunities in their industries. 
  • Post performance reports that give you a cross-channel performance analysis at the post level to understand which of your clients’ content works and why. 
Social Media Management Packages5

Vista Social has more modern SMM features that make managing your clients’ social media content, profiles, and campaigns hassle-free and efficient.

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People also ask

Check out the common questions about social media management packages. 

What’s the ideal structure for your social media management packages?

The ideal social media management package depends on your target market, scope of work, expertise, software, and the services your agency can provide.

It can also depend on your preferred pricing model that should give your clients value while generating significant profits.

Can you change your social media management packages?

Yes, but explain any changes to your clients upfront to avoid confusing or misleading them. 

What’s the average price for social media management packages?

Generally, the average amount for social media management service packages can be around $500 to $5,000 per month.

What’s next?

Use the tried and tested tips in this guide to develop the pricing packages for your social media management services.

Also, remember to use Vista Social’s robust SMM platform to help you provide top-quality, efficient, and effective social media management services.

Try Vista Social for free to experience the platform’s features and benefits first-hand. 

About the Author

Content Writer

Jimmy Rodela is a social media and content marketing consultant with over 9 years of experience, with work appearing on sites such as, Yahoo, SEMRush, and SearchEnginePeople. He specializes in social media, content marketing, SaaS, small business strategy, marketing automation, and content development.

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