Top 10 ChatGPT Prompts for Social Media Marketing

Updated on August 2, 2024

5 min to read

Head of Marketing @ Vista Social

Published August 2, 2024

Top 10 ChatGPT Prompts for Social Media Marketing
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Artificial intelligence (AI) isn’t just for sci-fi nerds and tech wizards anymore—it’s here to make your social media game stronger than your coffee!

In this age and time, AI is the powerhouse transforming social media managers into supercharged digital marketers, crafting content that converts casual scrollers into brand champions and paying customers. Today we’re unpacking the top 10 ChatGPT prompts that will elevate your social media strategy to new heights!

But how exactly can social media managers leverage this tool to draft compelling content that truly converts? Great question, and let’s peel back the layers!


Table of contents

Why ChatGPT is a Social Media Manager’s Best Friend

Before diving into the pot of golden prompts, let’s talk about the power of AI in social media marketing. 

The landscape is constantly evolving with algorithms, trends, and audience preferences shifting at breakneck speed. AI, particularly tools like ChatGPT, offers a lifeline by generating fresh, engaging content tailored to your brand’s voice and audience. It’s like having a content genius on call 24/7. No kidding.

In 2024, digital marketers are experiencing significant time savings thanks to ChatGPT. On average, businesses using ChatGPT report saving over 70% of the time they previously spent on tasks such as content creation, customer engagement, and data analysis. Specifically, 66% of companies utilize ChatGPT for coding, and 58% for creating content or copywriting, with substantial efficiency gains reported across these areas​

Now WHO wouldn’t want their own AI assistant to handle the heavy lifting? RIGHT?!?!?

Below are three lightning-fast ways AI is revolutionizing speed for social media marketers like never before!


  1. Efficiency: Helps generate quality content in seconds, freeing up time for strategy and engagement. (Goodbye, writer’s block!)
  2. Consistency: Helps maintain a cohesive brand voice across platforms. (Finally, some harmony in your life!)
  3. Creativity: Gives inspiration with new ideas and angles you might not have thought of. (Who needs a muse when you have ChatGPT?)

Now, let’s get to the good stuff – the top 10 ChatGPT prompts that every social media manager needs in their toolkit.

[Must read: How to Use Vista Social’s AI Assistant for Custom Brand Voice Generation]

The Top 10 ChatGPT Prompts for Compelling Social Media Content that Converts

1. Prompt for Engaging Storytelling

“Tell me a compelling story about how our product [insert product name] changed the life of one of our customers.”

Why It Works: Humans are wired for stories. They create emotional connections, making your brand memorable and relatable. Plus, everyone loves a good tale – it’s like marketing’s version of bedtime stories.

2. Prompt for Highlighting Unique Selling Points

“Explain why our [product/service] is better than our competitors in a way that highlights our unique features and benefits.”

Why It Works: This prompt ensures your content focuses on what sets your brand apart, driving home why customers should choose you. Let’s face it, standing out in a sea of sameness is everything.

3. Prompt for Creating a Sense of Urgency

“Draft a post that creates a sense of urgency about our limited-time offer on [product/service].”

Why It Works: Urgency drives action. This prompt helps you craft messages that prompt immediate responses. Remember, FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is a real thing!

4. Prompt for Customer Testimonials

“Write a customer testimonial for our [product/service] based on the following feedback: [insert feedback].”

Why It Works: Social proof is powerful. Testimonials build trust and credibility, showing potential customers real-world benefits. If only we could get testimonials for everything in life, right?

5. Prompt for Educational Content

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“Create an educational post about the benefits of [product/service] and how it can solve common problems faced by our audience.”

Why It Works: Educating your audience positions your brand as a thought leader and helps potential customers see the value in your offerings. It’s like being the teacher’s pet but way cooler.

6. Prompt for Seasonal Campaigns

“Draft a holiday-themed post that promotes our [product/service] and aligns with the festive spirit of [insert holiday].”

Why It Works: Seasonal content taps into the current mood and activities of your audience, making your posts more relevant and engaging. ‘Tis the season to be selling!

7. Prompt for Trend-Jacking

“Write a post that ties our [product/service] to the current trend of [insert trend].”

Why It Works: Trend-jacking makes your brand part of the conversation, increasing visibility and relevance. Just make sure it’s a trend worth riding – nobody wants to be the brand still talking about fidget spinners.

8. Prompt for Behind-the-Scenes Content

“Describe a behind-the-scenes look at how our [product/service] is made and the people involved.”

Why It Works: Transparency builds trust. Behind-the-scenes content humanizes your brand and fosters a deeper connection with your audience. It’s like reality TV, but for your brand.

9. Prompt for Interactive Content

“Create a poll or quiz that engages our audience and subtly promotes our [product/service].”

Why It Works: Interactive content increases engagement, making your audience active participants rather than passive viewers. Think of it as turning your audience into your besties.

10. Prompt for User-Generated Content

“Encourage our followers to share their experiences with our [product/service] using a specific hashtag and feature their posts on our page.”

Why It Works: User-generated content builds community and provides authentic, relatable content that resonates with potential customers. Plus, it’s free content – win-win!

[Must read: AI Assistant Fueled by ChatGPT Plus Dynamic Content Tools for Marketers]

Try Vista Social FREE and Join the Social Media Revolution 

The prompts are just the tip of the iceberg. Now imagine having an AI-powered sidekick like ChatGPT integrated into your social media management tool. That’s where Vista Social comes into power play!

While other SMM tools are scrambling to catch up, we’re already setting the trends. 
Here’s how:

  • AI-Driven Insights: Get data-backed, brand-voice-focused recommendations to optimize your content strategy. (Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to data-driven brilliance!)
  • Comprehensive Management: Schedule, publish, and analyze all your social media activities in one place. (Who needs multiple tabs open when you can be the multitasking maestro?)
  • Streamline Approvals: Employ seamless workflows that give key stakeholders approval visibility, and move at the speed of social. (No more email ping-pong matches!)
  • Advanced Analytics: Dive deep into metrics with powerful analytics tools that provide actionable insights. (Data nerds, rejoice!)
  • Social Listening: Monitor mentions, keywords, and sentiment to stay ahead of the curve. (Because knowing what’s said behind your back is gold.)
  • Collaborative Workspaces: Coordinate with your team effortlessly with shared calendars and collaborative tools. (All for one and one for all!)
  • Engagement Boosters: Use advanced tools to interact with your audience in real-time. (Because timely responses are everything and then some!)
  • Content Library: Organize and access your best-performing content for easy reuse and inspiration. (Your creativity never sleeps, and neither should your content library!)


In a digital world that never sleeps, staying ahead means embracing innovation. With ChatGPT and Vista Social, you’re not just participating in the hyper competitive social media game – you’re dominating it with a gold medal!

As a thought leader in the social media landscape, Vista Social not only helps you manage your social channels but also leverages AI to ensure your content is always top-notch.

We’re not just a tool; we’re the social media command center of the future. Why wait? Create your Vista Social account now to see what all the buzz is about!

P.S. If you’re new around here, Vista Social is a feature-packed all-in-one social media management platform built to deliver unparalleled value to marketing agencies, freelancers and social media managers. We are the most advanced, user-first platform that sets a new benchmark for collaboration, efficiency, and effectiveness in social media marketing.

About the Author

Head of Marketing @ Vista Social

Sabreen Haziq is a creative marketing leader with a demand generation bent of mind, and loves finding electric and unapologetic ways to connect brands with audiences though education that entertains. With 6 solid years in social media marketing, and with a specialized masters in Social Media Culture and Society from the University of Westminster, London; Sabreen has helped double unicorns scale their social into the millions! Outside of her current role as Head of Marketing at Vista Social, Sabreen is a podcast host of the premier self-improvement podcast called, The Lavender Fix.

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