How to View Your YouTube Comment History [2024]

Updated on June 1, 2024

6 min to read

Content Writer

Published October 10, 2023

How to View Your YouTube Comment History [2024]
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It happens…

You posted a YT comment using your client’s account, thinking you added value and made the world better.

As you hit the sack late at night, you slowly realize that your epic comment might not have been the smartest.

Thinking about it more, you realize that your not-so-smart comment was downright obnoxious—gravely risking putting your client under severe criticism.

Your stomach churns.

You quickly get up, open YouTube, and scroll like crazy to find that one comment you made before thousands of users do a witch hunt with your client in their crosshairs.


It’s times like these when learning how to view your YouTube comment history can make or break your relationship with your clients.

After all, as a social media manager, you need to improve your client’s public image—not ruin it.

And that’s what this guide is all about.

To help you manage your YouTube comments better, we’ll share the steps to view your YouTube comment history.

Let’s hop right in.

Table of contents

What you’ll learn:

  • Why view your YouTube comment history
  • Steps and methods to view your YouTube comment history
  • Manage and publish YouTube content with ease
  • Common questions about YouTube’s comment history
  • Review your YouTube comment history without a hitch

Why view your YouTube comment history

Clients who left tons of past comments on other videos can view their comment histories so they can:

  • Delete comments that are no longer relevant.
  • Remove comments that can be rude, disrespectful, offensive to other users, and violate the YouTube Community Guidelines
  • Edit embarrassing typos in the comments.
  • Update comments to include juicy and more relevant information.
  • Get a comment to share it across other platforms.

Viewing their YouTube comment histories also helps your clients keep track of interactions with other YouTube creators and their audience engagement.

Staying on top of your clients’ audience engagement helps you keep their content compelling and relevant, which the YouTube algorithm can pick up on.

The algorithm can consider your clients’ relevant and engaging content valuable.

It increases the chances of the algorithm displaying your clients’ content to more viewers’ recommended videos.

Must read: How the YouTube Shorts Algorithm Works [2023]: w/ Tips & FAQs

Your clients’ comments can start conversations that lead to potential partnerships and campaigns with brand collaborators.

For instance, your clients can share a YouTube video on Instagram Story to promote an ongoing giveaway hosted with another brand.

Plus, posting helpful comments can get a lot of likes, facilitating engagement that can lead more people to your clients’ YouTube channels.

Steps and methods to view your YouTube comment history

Let’s review the following ways and steps to see your clients’ YouTube history page. 

View and edit the YouTube comment history on a desktop

You can use your desktop browser to view, organize, or delete comments on YouTube.

Start by opening your browser and heading to

Log in to your client’s account and click the hamburger icon on the YouTube homepage.

Select History from the menu options.

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Click Comments under the Manage all history section.

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You’ll see your clients’ entire comment history on a new Google activity page, starting from the most recently posted.

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The previous comments your clients left on a deleted video won’t show in the history.

You can click the X icon in the upper-right corner of each history listing to delete your client’s comment on that video.

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To edit your client’s comment, click the Commented on link.

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The link takes you to the original video post your client commented on.

Your client’s comment will show a Highlighted comment label above it.

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Hover your mouse over your client’s comment, click on the vertical ellipsis icon that appears, and select Edit.

You can also delete your client’s comment.

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Make your changes and click Save.

How to View Your YouTube Comment History8

View and edit the YouTube comment history on the mobile app

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Want to go over your client’s YouTube comments on the go?

Use the YouTube mobile app and follow these steps:

  • Launch the YouTube app and log into your client’s account. 
  • Tap your client’s YouTube account profile icon or photo in the top right corner and select Your data in YouTube.
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  • Scroll down and tap on the comments under Your YouTube dashboard.
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  • Tap on the cross icon beside each comment to delete them. 
  • You can edit or delete your client’s comment on the original video by clicking the specific link. YouTube takes you to the video’s comments section, and you can edit or delete the comment.
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View and edit live stream chat comments

Besides video post comments, you can review and edit your clients’ comments on live stream chat messages.

Go to the Manage All History option (Manage All Activity on the mobile app) on your client’s YouTube profile.

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Click Interactions on the main menu and select Live chat messages.

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You’ll see all the YouTube comments on previous live streams. Click on the X icon to remove each livestream comment. 

Manage and publish YouTube content with ease

Tracking comments and YouTube history on top of creating, publishing, scheduling, and promoting your clients’ YouTube content can get hectic—-unless you use the right tool.

That’s where Vista Social comes in.

Vista Social is a modern, sophisticated, and feature-packed social media management platform trusted by brands and marketing agencies. It has many YouTube management features to bolster your YT marketing campaigns.

It lets you schedule YouTube content for auto-publishing for multiple clients, saving you time and effort.

You can add captions, hashtags, thumbnail Alt text, and other media from the platform’s Library and your uploaded photos, videos, and audio clips.

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You can also keep track of all your clients’ scheduled content with Vista Social’s content calendar.

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With the collaborative publishing calendar, you can seamlessly review, manage, and plan your clients’ YouTube content.

You can also leverage Vista Social’s built-in approval workflow to streamline agency collaboration, legal compliance, and peer review before your clients’ content goes live.

Another handy Vista Social feature is the Social Inbox. It helps you manage your clients’ subscribers and their comments efficiently.

Filter messages, comments, mentions, and shares so you can get back to your clients’ subscribers promptly.

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But wait, there’s more.

Vista Social’s other nifty features include:

  • An Artificial Intelligence or AI YouTube caption generator will help you develop engaging captions lightning fast. 
  • Optimization algorithms that automatically schedule your clients’ YouTube videos to publish at times when audiences are likely to engage. This way, you’ll know the best time to post on YouTube Shorts and Channels for maximum engagement. 
  • A content finder to help you spot relevant and engaging User-Generated Content (UGC) across social media platforms to get inspiration from or supplement your clients’ content. 

For instance, you can find YouTube Shorts ideas from other creators for inspiration without leaving Vista Social.

Vista Social’s all-in-one platform has everything you need to nail your client’s content, from the ideation to the auto-publishing and engagement tracking stage.

The platform streamlines your social media management workflows so you can focus on other details, like choosing the right YouTube video size and reviewing your clients’ comment histories.

Common questions about YouTube’s comment history

Check out the frequently asked questions about how to view YouTube comment history.

1. Will deleted comments show in YouTube comment history?

No, and there is no way to retrieve a comment or post once deleted. After deletion, the comment or post will also be removed from the Activity Log. 

2. Can you view the comments a user leaves on a YouTube post?

While you can’t view all the comments, you can see the number of comments the user left on the YouTube channel that posted the video through the new profile card feature.

You can also read the user’s recent comments on the specific channel. Tapping the comments takes you directly to the video the user commented on.

3. Can someone find you through a YouTube comment?

Users can’t search your client’s name on YouTube but can find your clients’ comments via Google Search.

When your clients comment on a YouTube video, the comment is shown beside the post.

Review your YouTube comment history without a hitch

Going over your clients’ YouTube comments history isn’t mandatory, but it has undeniable benefits—from controlling their online presence to improving audience engagement.

The tips and steps in this guide can make it easy to view, edit, and delete your clients’ YouTube comment histories.

Leverage reliable YouTube management tools for business with Vista Social to make your life as a social media manager much easier.

Create a Vista Social social account now to harness the power of a robust social media management platform.

About the Author

Content Writer

Jimmy Rodela is a social media and content marketing consultant with over 9 years of experience, with work appearing on sites such as, Yahoo, SEMRush, and SearchEnginePeople. He specializes in social media, content marketing, SaaS, small business strategy, marketing automation, and content development.

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