Social Media Sentiment Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide

Updated on August 3, 2024

5 min to read

Content Writer

Published August 3, 2024

Social Media Sentiment Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide
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Social media sentiment analysis provides valuable insights into how people perceive your clients’ brands.

Understanding audience feelings is key to crafting strategies that enhance brand reputation and loyalty.

However, managing a deluge of likes, shares, and comments—especially when juggling hundreds of clients—can be overwhelming. How can you perform social media sentiment analysis both efficiently and effectively?

In this guide, we walk you through the fundamentals of sentiment analysis, offering essential steps, helpful tips and tricks, and tools to simplify the process.

Table of contents

What you will learn

  • Understanding social media sentiment analysis
  • Social media sentiment analysis vs Social media tracking 
  • Why social media sentiment analysis is crucial
  • 3 Easy steps to run a social media sentiment analysis
  • Turn social media sentiment analysis into insights

Understanding social media sentiment analysis

Social media sentiment analysis examines and interprets the opinions, attitudes, and emotions expressed in social media posts about a topic, brand, or product. 

The analysis helps you understand the language used and how people talk about your clients’ brands in social media reviews, comments, and other interactions.

Type of social media sentiment

Social media sentiment can be:

  • Positive. Positive sentiment includes mentions that express happiness, approval, or satisfaction with your clients’ products, services, or brands. Examples of positive sentiment include compliments, positive social reviews, and enthusiastic mentions
  • Neutral. Neutral sentiment includes mentions, comments, or reviews that are neither positive nor negative. The sentiment doesn’t express strong opinions or are just statements of facts
  • Negative. Negative sentiment includes dissatisfied comments, complaints, or criticisms of your clients’ brands or products 

Social media sentiment analysis vs Social media tracking 

Sentiment analysis digs into the emotional tone within social media conversations about your clients’ brands. 

It’s more than counting likes or mentions but understanding the feelings behind them, whether frustrated, happy, or indifferent. 

The emotional insight helps you gauge the perceptions of your clients’ audiences, allowing you to adjust strategies and inform your social media playbooks accordingly. 

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On the other hand, social media tracking focuses on metrics to determine how often people talk about your clients’ brands, where they’re mentioned, and who’s engaging with them.

Tracking helps you measure the reach and effectiveness of your clients’ social media marketing efforts.

While social media tracking tells you what’s happening, sentiment analysis explains WHY it’s happening by unveiling the emotions behind the data. 

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Leveraging the two can give you a whole picture of your clients’ brand presence and impact.

Why social media sentiment analysis is crucial

Conducting sentiment analysis on social media offers the following benefits. 

  • Refines brand messaging. Social media sentiment analysis helps you tailor your clients’ content to better resonate with their target audiences. It helps make their communication more effective in engaging audiences
  • Data-driven decision making. Sentiment analysis gives value insights for making informed, strategic decisions about products, campaigns, and customer service improvement
  • Proactive brand reputation management. Analyzing social media sentiment helps your clients spot and address negative sentiments promptly while capitalizing on positive ones. The strategy can help clients protect and enhance their brand reputations

3 Easy steps to run a social media sentiment analysis

Running a social media sentiment analysis can depend on your tools and strategies, but you can kick off the process with the steps below. 

1. Track social media mentions

Find conversations and interactions that mention your clients’ brands on social media. 

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Track the comments, messages, reviews, and mentions that tag and don’t tag your clients social media accounts. 

Use the social media management platform Vista Social to simplify this process. 

The platform lets you set up Listeners to track conversations about your clients’ brands based on specific keywords (such as brand names and social media handles). 

[Must read: Social Media Handles: How to Pick And Create One]

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Social Media Sentiment Analysis1

Once the social media listening tool is running, it will pull all the messages, comments, and reviews that mention your specified keywords.

For instance, you can create a Listener that pulls reviews that mention positive experiences. 

You can view, manage, filter, and respond to these mentions directly through the platform’s Social Inbox.

The Inbox unifies all the messages from your clients’ connected social media profiles.

Social Media Sentiment Analysis2

You can label, archive, and mark conversations as spam from the social media engagement feature’s Inbox. 

You can also edit, deactivate, or remove your Listeners.

Social Media Sentiment Analysis3

Another handy feature is the platform’s AI Assistant, which can instantly write or refine your replies in seconds. 

The tool streamlines replying to customer or follower comments, queries, and mentions.

Prompt responses help improve the user experience with your clients’ brands, resulting in positive sentiments.  

Don’t miss out on Vista Social’s other features, such as its social media publishing tool that lets you create, customize, and schedule posts for auto-posting.

2. Analyze the sentiment within mentions

Review the terms that indicate sentiment within your clients’ mentions. 

Consider the types of positive, negative, or neutral words and languages that people use when mentioning or talking about your clients’ brands. 

For example:

  • Positive words can include great, amazing, love, perfect, best
  • Neutral words can be so-so, okay, alright, not-bad
  • Negative terms can include awful, worst, terrible, bad, hate

People can also use other terms specific to your clients’ products, services, brands, or industries. 

If you’re tracking sentiment manually, ensure you get the context behind the words used. 

For instance, someone can sarcastically say they had the “best” customer experience with your clients’ brands.  

Leverage dedicated tools that track and analyze the sentiment behind specific keywords. 

For example, many sentiment analysis tools can track keywords and analyze and categorize them as positive, neutral, or negative. 

The tools can also have features that:

  • Search popular topics and themes, including what the most popular negative and positive posts are about
  • Find popular posts related to your search terms and filter them by channel, sentiment, and more

3. Calculate the social sentiment score

Follow these tips to calculate your clients’ social sentiment score.

  • Assign numerical values to each of your clients’ analyzed content pieces. For instance:
    • Positive comments: +1
    • Neutral comments: 0
    • Negative comments: -1
  • Add the scores across all pieces of content to get the total
  • Make the score more meaningful by normalizing it based on the data volume. It can mean scaling the score to a standard range (-100 to +100) or calculating the average sentiment score per post 
  • Consider factors such as trends, volume, engagement levels, and the context of gathered sentiments for a more accurate sentiment score interpretation

The final score should give you an overview of how negatively or positively audiences view your clients’ brands. 

Turn social media sentiment analysis into insights

Analyzing social media sentiment can give you actionable insights to fine-tune your strategies, help clients address customer issues, and leverage the positives for their brands. 

Dive into the data, uncover the emotions behind it, and use the insights to help clients build stronger and longer customer relationships.

Use Vista Social to streamline your efforts to monitor social media sentiment.

Create your Vista Social account now.

About the Author

Content Writer

Jimmy Rodela is a social media and content marketing consultant with over 9 years of experience, with work appearing on sites such as, Yahoo, SEMRush, and SearchEnginePeople. He specializes in social media, content marketing, SaaS, small business strategy, marketing automation, and content development.

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