How to Become a LinkedIn Top Voice: Comprehensive Guide

Updated on July 30, 2024

5 min to read

Content Writer

Published July 30, 2024

How to Become a LinkedIn Top Voice: Comprehensive Guide
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Imagine your client getting the LinkedIn Top Voice badge—now that can be a game-changer for their business.

The moment they earn that shiny badge, doors open, and opportunities flow.

It’s more than just a badge; it means they’re recognized for kickstarting meaningful conversations, inspiring their audience, and positioning themselves as the experts everyone turns to.

This guide covers what it takes to get your clients to get that shiny badge of recognition.

From mastering content creation to engaging with the LinkedIn community, we have tips and tricks to speed up their journey.

Imagine the exposure, the networking opportunities, and the boost in credibility they’ll enjoy.

Table of contents

What You’ll Learn in this Guide

  • What’s the LinkedIn Top Voice Badge?
  • What’s the LinkedIn Community Top Voice Badge?
  • How to Help Your Clients Become LinkedIn Top Voices
  • Use Vista Social to help your clients earn the Top Voice Badge

What’s the LinkedIn Top Voice Badge? 

The Top Voice badge signifies seniority, leadership, and a proven track record of delivering valuable insights.

It highlights recognition as a trendsetter and thought leader in the industry. Achieving this badge involves a competitive and rigorous process, emphasizing content quality, engagement, and consistent posting.

Achieving this badge means your client stands out as a key influencer with years of experience and a loyal following.

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What’s the LinkedIn Community Top Voice Badge? 

This accolade, launched in 2023, rewards those who actively contribute to LinkedIn’s collaborative articles.

Rather than being the top dog or an industry titan, the badge’s point is about making meaningful contributions that spark thoughtful discussions and insights.

Imagine the zeal of having your clients’ names celebrated for their valuable inputs—it’s a fantastic way to boost their visibility and credibility on the platform.

How to help your clients achieve LinkedIn Top Voices

Follow the proven tips below to help your clients earn the prestigious LinkedIn Top Voices accolade.

1. Help them define their audience

When you help your clients clearly define their audience, the results can be transformative for their LinkedIn performance.

By pinpointing their target market and understanding their audience’s specific challenges, your clients can tailor their content to address these issues directly.

This clarity in communication builds credibility and positions them as experts in their field.

These foundational steps are essential for leveraging LinkedIn’s platform to its fullest potential, ultimately setting your clients up for long-term success and engagement.

2. Use reliable tools

When it comes down to it, there are four crucial features you need to consider when choosing a social media management platform for generating high-quality LinkedIn posts:

  • Content creation and curation
  • Scheduling
  • Engagement tracking
  • Performance Analytics

The features above assist with generating ideas and creating content, as well as publishing, tracking results, and analyzing.

These features offer significant value.

For instance, tracking and analyzing your content’s performance helps you identify what types of content your audience finds appealing.

Once you determine which posts resonate well, you can focus on creating more of those and avoid content types that historically underperform.

Such is the power of using a social media management tool with powerful analytics features. Vista Social, for instance, shows you a good bit of data about the performance of your social media marketing initiatives.

LinkedIn Top Voice 1

With the many data sets you can get from Vista Social, you can gain crucial insights about your clients’ LI marketing initiatives and make better decisions.

[Must-read: Top 7 LinkedIn Marketing Tools for 2024]

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3. Ensure their profiles are complete

Here’s a checklist you can work with: 

  • Switch to Creator Mode. Have your clients switch to Creator Mode to unlock crucial features like the ‘Follow’ button and in-depth analytics.  
  • Use a Professional Profile Photo. Ensure their profile photo is professional and their face is visible. Pro tip: Tools like Canva can help remove the background and replace it with a solid color to make the profile stand out.
  • Write a catchy headline that does more than just state their current role. Encourage them to get creative and detailed, taking advantage of the over 200 characters available.
  • Create a cover photo that reflects their areas of expertise. Advise them to avoid generic covers and instead include a call-to-action or tagline. Tailoring this visual element toward their defined audience will help crystallize the CTA effectively.

4. Create high-quality LinkedIn content

It all starts with consistently providing valuable and engaging content.

Start by clearly defining their audience and the problems they can solve—this should form the core of their content strategy. Encourage them to share their personal experiences and mistakes to build trust and authenticity with their followers.

With authenticity comes loyalty, driving engagement on any social platform. You want them to experiment with various post formats, such as photos and videos, to discover what resonates with them best.

5. Publish consistently

Maintaining a consistent content publishing schedule doesn’t have to be tedious or time-consuming.

With a reliable social media management tool like Vista Social, you can effortlessly keep up with regular, high-quality content updates.

Vista Social offers a range of publishing features designed to streamline the process.

Below are some of its publishing features:

  • AI writing assistant to help you create captions quicker
  • Post scheduling features
  • Canva integration
  • Suggestions for the best time to publish your posts
  • Etc.
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6. Encourage Interaction with Other LinkedIn Creators

Posting content alone isn’t enough; active engagement is key.

To build a community, you need to interact with content from other users.

This includes sharing their posts, commenting, and liking their updates. The more you engage with other LinkedIn users, the more tightly-knit your community will become.

So, how can you track meaningful conversations your clients should join?

Vista Social’s social listening feature can help.

Simply enter relevant keywords or phrases related to your clients’ industry to receive notifications about relevant posts or mentions.

This way, your clients can engage promptly and meaningfully with those conversations.

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[Must-read: LinkedIn Marketing Tips for 2024: w/ Steps And Screenshots]

Use Vista Social to help your clients earn the Top Voice Badge

The manual route to helping your clients earn the Top Voice Badge can be brutal.

It involves many inefficiencies and time-consuming tasks with low returns, such as:

  • Manually searching LinkedIn daily for conversations worth engaging with
  • Difficulty creating content at scale
  • Manually tracking the results of each post to analyze and improve content creation
  • Etc.

Don’t rely on the manual approach.

Instead, use Vista Social to streamline, simplify, and enhance the efficiency of your LinkedIn marketing efforts, helping your clients achieve the Top Voice Badge sooner rather than later.

Create a FREE Vista Social account now.

About the Author

Content Writer

Jimmy Rodela is a social media and content marketing consultant with over 9 years of experience, with work appearing on sites such as, Yahoo, SEMRush, and SearchEnginePeople. He specializes in social media, content marketing, SaaS, small business strategy, marketing automation, and content development.

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