MrBeast Marketing Strategy: Lessons for Marketers in 2024

Updated on September 27, 2024

6 min to read

Head of Marketing @ Vista Social

Published September 27, 2024

MrBeast Marketing Strategy: Lessons for Marketers in 2024
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Social media has seen many titans, but few have managed to master it quite like MrBeast, a YouTube mogul who grew from making videos in his bedroom to building a billion-dollar brand. Presenting: MrBeast Marketing Strategy: Lessons for Marketers in 2024!

With 317+ million YouTube subscribers and millions more across Instagram, X (Twitter), and TikTok, MrBeast (aka Jimmy Donaldson) has crafted a bulletproof formula for reaching the masses. But here’s the kicker: his strategies aren’t mainstream. They’re nuanced, methodical, and ruthlessly focused on winning attention.


If you want to build your social media empire like MrBeast, then you’re in the right place. This guide isn’t about cookie-cutter advice like “post regularly” or “use hashtags.” Nope. We’re diving deep into the actionable strategies MrBeast deploys to stay on top. 

Buckle up, because these are the kind of tactics that change the game.

Table of contents

1. Crack the Algorithm, Don’t Chase It

Everyone’s looking for algorithm hacks, but MrBeast rewrote the rules.

The first thing you need to know: MrBeast isn’t chasing the algorithm—he’s cracking it. While most creators and brands frantically adjust to every change YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok throws at them, MrBeast focuses on creating content so captivating that the algorithm has no choice but to promote it.

 His secret? Watch time.

MrBeast crafts his videos and posts with one thing in mind: keeping viewers glued from the first second to the last. Here’s how you can implement it immediately:

Actionable Steps:

  • Obsess over the first 10 seconds: You need a scroll-stopping hook that demands attention. Think of it like writing a movie trailer, not a video intro.
  • Plant “micro-hooks” throughout: Keep teasing future reveals. If you watch MrBeast’s videos, you’ll notice he’s constantly saying, “And that’s not even the crazy part!” which builds anticipation.
  • Pacing is key: Cut out anything that doesn’t serve the story or the entertainment factor. Slow pacing kills retention.
  • Longer watch times = Algorithm love: The longer people stay on your content, the more the algorithm pushes you out to the masses.

2. Exponential Audience Growth Through Relatability

Ever noticed that MrBeast’s stunts feel like they could happen to you?

MrBeast isn’t just throwing money at problems; he’s throwing relatability at them. His massive giveaways, extravagant challenges, and wild stunts appeal to the everyday person’s fantasies—what they would do if they suddenly won $10,000 or got to play in a real-life Squid Game. 

But here’s the twist: he never makes it about him, it’s always about you—the viewer, the participant, the dreamer.

Actionable Steps:

  • Show don’t tell: If you’re selling a product, don’t just advertise features—build stories that make your audience see themselves using it.
  • Create content that fulfills fantasies: Whether it’s participating in insane challenges or giving back to the community, create an emotional connection with your audience’s desires.
  • Make it accessible: Even when MrBeast’s content is extravagant, it still feels like anyone could be in the position of his participants. Can you create content that taps into the universal “what if”?

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3. Perfecting the Art of Virality with Unexpected Twists

Everyone’s trying to predict virality. MrBeast manufactures it.

Virality doesn’t happen by accident. MrBeast creates content designed to go viral by adding layers of unpredictability and audacity. 

Whether it’s building the largest Lego tower, spending 24 hours in ice, or hosting a real-life Squid Game, MrBeast engineers jaw-dropping moments. 

Here’s the deal: people share what surprises them.

Actionable Steps:

  • Subvert expectations: Predictability is the enemy. Don’t just deliver what people expect—go above and beyond. Add twists, shocks, and plot flips that get people talking.
  • Use audacity as a tool: The bigger, the crazier, the more viral. Ask yourself: “What can I do in my niche that would seem outrageous?”
  • Capitalize on shareability: MrBeast’s videos aren’t just fun to watch—they’re fun to share. What part of your content makes people say, “You have to see this”?

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4. Nail the Emotional Rollercoaster

MrBeast doesn’t just create content. He creates emotional experiences.

The genius of MrBeast lies in his ability to tap into the full spectrum of human emotions. He combines heart-pounding excitement with heartwarming acts of charity, humor with jaw-dropping moments. His audience isn’t just entertained—they’re emotionally invested. And that, my friend, is the secret sauce of engagement.

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Actionable Steps:

  • Use contrast to your advantage: Juxtapose moments of high tension with relief, excitement with calm. This keeps viewers emotionally engaged throughout.
  • Play on empathy: MrBeast’s charitable stunts don’t just rack up views—they make people feel good. You can make your audience feel connected to something larger than themselves by showcasing acts of kindness or contributions.
  • Don’t shy away from emotional highs and lows: Whether it’s laughter, tears, or shock, put your audience on a rollercoaster of emotions.

5. The Power of Hyper-Specific Niche Targeting

MrBeast isn’t just for everyone; he’s for someone.

A crucial part of MrBeast’s success lies in understanding that while his content appeals broadly, it is meticulously crafted for his core audience. 

He has a crystal-clear idea of who his viewer is, and he makes sure his content speaks directly to that demographic. Every video is designed to resonate with that specific group, while still having broad appeal. This is the magic of hyper-specific niche targeting.

Actionable Steps:

  • Know your audience intimately: Build a customer avatar. Understand what makes your core audience tick. Then create for them.
  • Create multiple versions of content: MrBeast tests different thumbnails and titles for every video to optimize for click-through. You should A/B test your own posts and ads with the same level of attention.
  • Design content with shareable demographics in mind: Who is most likely to share your content? Design around that audience, not just the viewers.

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6. Strategic Collaboration: It’s Not Just About Who, But How

Collaboration in the MrBeast universe isn’t just a marketing tactic—it’s a growth hack.

MrBeast knows the power of collaboration, but not in the way most people think. He doesn’t collaborate with just anyone for the sake of visibility. He partners with creators and brands where the synergy makes sense and where he can elevate his brand equity.

Actionable Steps:

  • Collaborate with strategic intent: Don’t just partner up for visibility; partner up for value. Look for creators or brands that can enhance your content or story, not just your numbers.
  • Cross-pollinate audiences: MrBeast’s collaborations with creators like Mark Rober or Dude Perfect bring together massive audiences, exponentially increasing reach.
  • Leverage mutual value: Make sure both parties are getting something tangible out of the collaboration. It has to be mutually beneficial, or it won’t work long-term.

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7. Relentless Iteration and Data-Driven Content Creation

While others throw spaghetti at the wall, MrBeast is in the lab tweaking his formula.

One of MrBeast’s most underappreciated strengths is his relentless drive for improvement. He tests everything—from video titles and thumbnails to pacing and content format—so he knows what works. He iterates constantly, using data and feedback to refine his content.

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Actionable Steps:

  • Test ruthlessly: Never settle. Test different formats, pacing, hooks, and styles until you find what works best for your audience.
  • Analyze everything: From viewer retention rates to click-through rates, dig deep into your analytics to understand what works and what doesn’t. Make data your co-pilot.
  • Iterate, improve, repeat: Even if a post or video performs well, there’s always room for optimization. Don’t just rest on your laurels—double down on what works and discard what doesn’t.

Finally: The MrBeast Playbook—Yours for the Taking


MrBeast’s meteoric rise isn’t just a fluke—it’s the result of well-executed strategies that anyone can replicate with the right mindset. The key is to think bigger, iterate smarter, and always prioritize your audience’s experience over short-term gains.

Whether you’re building your personal brand, marketing a product, or growing a company, these MrBeast-inspired strategies can help you hit new heights. 

Ready to build your own social media empire?

Now it’s your turn: What are you going to change in your social media strategy after learning from MrBeast’s playbook? 

P.S. If you’re new around here, Vista Social is a feature-packed all-in-one social media management platform built to deliver unparalleled value to marketing agencies, freelancers and social media managers. We are the most advanced, user-first platform that sets a new benchmark for collaboration, efficiency, and effectiveness in social media marketing. Create your Vista Social account now to see what all the buzz is about!

About the Author

Head of Marketing @ Vista Social

Sabreen Haziq is a creative marketing leader with a demand generation bent of mind, and loves finding electric and unapologetic ways to connect brands with audiences though education that entertains. With 6 solid years in social media marketing, and with a specialized masters in Social Media Culture and Society from the University of Westminster, London; Sabreen has helped double unicorns scale their social into the millions! Outside of her current role as Head of Marketing at Vista Social, Sabreen is a podcast host of the premier self-improvement podcast called, The Lavender Fix.

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