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Social Media SEO: Top Social Media Strategies to Boost SEO

Updated on July 11, 2024

5 min to read

Content Writer

Published July 10, 2024

Social Media SEO: Top Social Media Strategies to Boost SEO
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If you’re not combining the power of social media and Search Engine Optimization (SEO), you’re missing out B-I-G time. 

Picture this: You create engaging, relevant content for your clients, but days after hitting ‘publish,’ all you hear is deafening silence.

Utter silence…

Not a single site visitor landed on your post. No comments. Not even shares.

That’s tough…

Given the effort, time, and resources invested, it’s frustrating to see no return.

And so the question arises: ‘How do you ensure your clients’ content reaches its target audiences in an algorithm-driven world?’

One answer that can be looked into is social media SEO

What? How? Aren’t social media and SEO two different things? How would these two even work together?

We’re glad you asked because that’s what this post is all about. The best part is, we’ll also cover the top social media strategies that will help boost your clients’ SEO efforts. 

Table of contents

What you will learn

  • What is social media SEO?
  • Social media SEO best practices
  • Amplify your social media SEO efforts 

What is social media SEO?

Social media SEO refers to optimizing social media profiles and content to improve their visibility and ranking on search engines like Google. 

The goal is to help get your clients’ content seen by the right audiences.

Social media SEO strategies often involve:

  • Creating high-quality content
  • Using relevant keywords
  • Leveraging social signals such as shares and likes to boost social media presence 

Weaving SEO techniques into your social media strategy can increase your clients’ reach, drive more website traffic, and enhance their online visibility. 

Ultimately, social media SEO ensures your social media efforts contribute to initiatives to reach your clients’ broader SEO goals. 

Social media SEO best practices

Ensuring effective social media SEO doesn’t have to be rocket science with the following time-tested strategies.

Develop an integrated keyword strategy

Develop an integrated keyword strategy that lets you apply your client’s keyword strategy to their social media efforts when appropriate. 

Start by researching common keywords your clients’ website visitors and social media followers use or are interested in and incorporate them in posts and content. 

Don’t stop there. 

Identify the right keywords for each social media platform by following these tips:

  • Review your client’s previous SEO keyword research to find relevant terms you can include in their social media content. Some keywords that did well in web searches can also be effective on social media
  • Tailor keyword selections based on the social media platform and your clients’ goals. For instance, it’s best to use “best cake shop in Pasadena” in post descriptions to attract customers on Facebook and “bakers for hire in Pasadena” to find potential hires on LinkedIn
  • Determine the phrases people may use to describe your clients’ business or brand. For example, if your client offers productivity software, people may use search terms like task management app

Social listening is one of the best ways to learn what audiences say about your clients’ brands or specific terms. 

Use social media management platforms like Vista Social

The platform has handy features to simplify your social media management tasks and support your clients’ SEO efforts.  

For instance, the platform’s social media listening tool helps you track social media conversations based on specific phrases and keywords. 

You can set up listeners for your clients’ linked profiles, which gather social conversations around your specified phrases and keywords.

Social Media SEO Top Social Media Strategies to Boost SEO1
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The tool can help with your social media keyword research and allow you to better understand your clients’ audiences, industries, and potential customers. 

Optimize social media profiles

Social media profiles are like extensions of your clients’ websites. 

So, optimize your clients’ Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and other profiles like their web pages. 

For instance, conduct a social media audit of your clients’ profiles to ensure they mirror their website’s optimization strategy. 

Below are a few social media profile optimization tips to help you get started. 

  • Include your clients’ target keywords in their social media profiles’ descriptions. Lead with essential details while weaving in the keywords since profile descriptions are often limited to a few characters
  • Ensure your clients’ social media profiles are verified with the verified badge displayed on their profiles (like the blue checkmark beside Instagram or TikTok usernames)
  • Include links to your clients’ websites in their social media bio sections. It’s a great way to drive traffic and potential leads to their product, landing, and blog pages

You can use Vista Social’s link in bio tool called Vista Page

It lets you create and customize landing pages or mini-websites for your clients’ brand information, products, and other conversion-related content and tools.

Social Media SEO Top Social Media Strategies to Boost SEO2

Generate the link to the landing page and add the URL to your clients’ social media profiles. 

Regularly post engaging content

Like website content, your clients’ social media posts must be relevant, valuable, and engaging to get noticed by algorithms and seen by target audiences. 

Check out these quick tips to ensure you churn out awesome content regularly for clients. 

  • Develop a publishing and content strategy that facilitates a steady flow of social media posts 
  • Find out when your clients’ followers and target audiences are most active and publish posts at those times to ensure maximum engagement
  • Use branded, trending, and relevant hashtags to help make your clients’ posts discoverable and visible on social networks

Leverage Vista Social’s social media publishing feature. It lets you create, customize, and schedule your clients’ posts for auto-publishing.

Social Media SEO Top Social Media Strategies to Boost SEO3

You can add emojis, hashtags, links, mentions, and more to your clients’ posts. 

Use the AI Assistant to instantly generate or tweak your post captions and taglines effortlessly. 

When you’re done, set an auto-posting schedule, and Vista Social will do the rest.

You can also choose from Vista Social’s recommended optimal posting times, which are determined based on your clients’ previous engagement data. 

Automating your content publishing helps ensure you consistently post awesome content that supports your clients’ SEO strategies. 

[Must read: Top Social Media Automation Tools for 2024]

Include social sharing buttons on the website

Adding social buttons to your clients’ websites helps signal to search engines (and audiences) that your clients are active, legitimate, and buzzing. 

It can also drive traffic to your clients’ social media pages, which means more eyeballs on their content and increased engagement opportunities.

So, make the most of these perks by displaying clickable Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, and other social links on your clients’ web pages.  

[Must read: Ultimate Guide: How to Track Engagement on Social Media]

Amplify your social media SEO efforts 

With the right strategies, you can leverage social media to boost your SEO efforts, amplifying your clients’ visibility and reach. 

So, don’t miss opportunities to use your clients’ social media profiles, content, and other assets to support their SEO strategies.

Also, use Vista Social to manage and execute your clients’ social media marketing efforts efficiently and effectively. With the platform’s advanced social media marketing features, you can scale your marketing initiatives, handling multiple clients at once, all while fine-tuning your workflows.

Create a FREE Vista Social account now.

About the Author

Content Writer

Jimmy Rodela is a social media and content marketing consultant with over 9 years of experience, with work appearing on sites such as, Yahoo, SEMRush, and SearchEnginePeople. He specializes in social media, content marketing, SaaS, small business strategy, marketing automation, and content development.

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