Master Instagram Competitor Analysis for Success in 2024

Updated on July 30, 2024

6 min to read

Content Writer

Published July 30, 2024

Master Instagram Competitor Analysis for Success in 2024
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Ever wonder how some brands seem to effortlessly dominate Instagram while others struggle to gain traction? The answer might be simpler than you think: They Master Instagram Competitor Analysis for Success.

Remember 2010? Instagram burst onto the scene as a simple photo-sharing app. Its charming filters and user-friendly interface quickly won hearts. But that was just the beginning. 

Fast forward to today, Instagram has transformed into a colossal business hub, home to over 200 million business accounts.

If you’re on Instagram, your competitors are too. They’re vying for the same audience, the same engagement, the same success. That’s why analyzing your competitors is important.

You’re not just peeking over the fence; you are uncovering content strategies, spotting golden opportunities for growth, and riding the wave of trends before they go down.

Ready to turn the tables and leave your competitors wondering what hit them? Stick with us as we discuss how you can Master Instagram Competitor Analysis for Success in 2024.



Table of contents

What is a Competitor Analysis on Instagram? 

Instagram competitor analysis is the process of strategically evaluating your rivals’ Instagram game. But we’re not talking about mere social media stalking here. It involves:

  • Spotting Your True Competitors: Identifying who’s really competing for your audience’s attention
  • Becoming a Digital Detective: Tracking their every Insta-move, from content strategies to engagement tactics
  • Crunching the Numbers: Analyzing key metrics like audience growth, engagement rates, and posting patterns
  • Unveiling Their Playbook: Decoding their strengths and weaknesses
  • Holding Up the Mirror: Comparing their strategies to your own Instagram efforts

By stepping back and viewing the bigger picture, you gain invaluable insights. 

You’ll see gaps in the market, understand what resonates with your shared audience, and identify ways to make your brand stand out in a sea of sameness. Thankfully, due to improving technology, there are now many different Instagram competitor analysis tools available. 

It’s time to stop wondering what your competitors are doing right and start knowing how to do it better.

Three Types of Competitors on Instagram 

How much do you know about your competitors? Let’s dive into the three key types of competitors you need to keep on your radar:

Direct Competitors 

These are the brands that make you do a double-take. 

They’re offering products or services that could be twins to your own—Think Coke vs. Pepsi, Nike vs. Adidas. 

On Instagram, these competitors are:

  • Targeting the same audience as you
  • Offering nearly identical solutions
  • Wielding hashtags and content strategies that echo your own

Indirect Competitors

Don’t be fooled—these brands might not look like your competitors at first glance, but they’re gunning for the same customer needs. They’re the ones who make you say, “I didn’t see that coming!” 

Picture this: a meal kit delivery service swooping in to steal diners from local restaurants. It’s not about the food—it’s about convenience, variety, and the joy of cooking without the hassle.

Emerging Competitors 

These are the new kids on the block, the startups and fresh brands that are quickly gaining traction. They might be small now, but they have the potential to disrupt your market. They’re the emerging competitors, and they’re not playing by the old rulebook. They are:

  • Often more agile and innovative
  • Potentially using cutting-edge Instagram features or trends
  • Appealing to niche segments of your target audience.

Watch out for them! They aren’t just threats; they can help you stay ahead of industry trends, identify potential threats before they become direct competitors, and adapt your strategies to maintain your competitive edge.  The key is to know how to properly research your competitors on Instagram. 

[Must Read: The Biggest Instagram Updates from 2024: Features, Tips & Trends]

Key Instagram Competitive Metrics to Analyze 

The goal isn’t to copy–it’s to learn, adapt, and innovate. But with so much data at your fingertips, which metrics should you focus on? Let’s dive into the essential Instagram competitive metrics that will give you an edge over your competitors.


Sure, a high follower count looks impressive, but it’s not the whole story. 

A large following can boost credibility and attract new followers as well as potential customers. While it is important, it’s equally vital to compare it with engagement rates.

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Take note: Quality trumps quantity. 

A brand with a large number of followers but low engagement might indicate passive followers, whereas a smaller follower count with high engagement suggests a loyal and active audience.


Engagement is the currency of Instagram.  It’s not just about being seen—it’s about being remembered. Here’s how to measure it:

  • Likes: A quick measure of content appeal
  • Comments: Indicate deeper audience connection
  • Shares: Show content’s viral potential
  • Saves: Reflect high-value, reference-worthy content

These interactions show how actively users are interacting with your content and can provide insights into what resonates most with your audience. 

Audience Growth 

Growth patterns can reveal marketing genius or viral luck. Sudden spikes in followers? There’s a story there, make sure to dig into it. Steady growth suggests consistent, quality content. 

By analyzing these data, you can create more content that attracts new users and keeps existing ones engaged. These insights can inspire your own growth strategies.

Publishing Behavior 

It’s not just what you post—Photos, carousels, videos, Reels.

But how and when you post it; Is daily too much? Weekly too little? Find the sweet spot where you can enhance engagement.

Don’t just copy. Use these insights to experiment with your own publishing strategy. Understand why certain content types and posting schedules work, then adapt for your audience. What works for them might not work for you–always test and adjust! 

Top Posts

Your competitors’ most successful post is a goldmine of information. 

When you see them, keep these questions in mind-what makes their top posts shine? Is it humor, value, or aesthetics? Make sure to look for patterns too. Is there a common theme or style in their best performers?

Learning from what works well for your competitors allows you to adapt and innovate your own unique content. By understanding their success, you can refine your strategy to better meet your audience’s needs and preferences.


Hashtags are like secret passages to new audiences. They help categorize content and connect it with users interested in specific topics.

Analyze which hashtags your competitors use most frequently. Look for niche-specific tags that might fly under the radar. Adopting relevant hashtags can boost your content’s visibility and attract more followers interested in those topics.

Remember, it’s not about using the most hashtags, but the right ones. Quality over quantity wins again!

[Must Read: Ultimate Guide: How to Calculate Your Social Media Engagement Rate]

Utilizing Data from Competitor’s Analysis 

Now that you’ve got the lowdown on the crucial metrics, you might be wondering, “What next?” Here’s where the real magic happens. The insights aren’t just for show–it’s your secret weapon for Mastering Instagram Competitor Analysis.

Use these insights to:

  • Identify Strengths and Weaknesses: Pinpoint where you shine and where you need to step up your game
  • Using competitor analysis to inspire content:  Let your competitors’ successes spark your creativity. What’s working for them that you could adapt to?
  • Differentiating your brand by adding unique spins to trends: Stand out by adding your brand’s flavor to what’s hot
  • Do A/B testing: Use competitor insights to inform your tests. Try different approaches— posting times, content styles, and caption types and see what resonates with your audience
  • Monitor and Adjust: The Instagram landscape is always shifting. Keep a close eye on the metrics and be ready to adapt your strategy

The goal isn’t to become a carbon copy of your competitors. It’s about understanding the Instagram game and then bringing your A-game to it. One way to execute that is to Master Instagram Competitor Analysis and use the insights you have gathered as a springboard for your own innovative ideas.

Be a Master of Instagram Competitor Analysis

Instagram Competitor Analysis provides not just your Instagram landscape, but also your competitors’. You get to size up how you’re doing, sure, but more importantly, you’re seeing what tricks your competitors are pulling out of their hats.

But here’s where it gets juicy— you’re not just watching. You’re learning, adapting, and plotting your next big move. It’s your chance to spot gaps in the market, to see where you can swoop in and offer something fresh that’ll make your audience go wild.

If you are eager to do a competitor analysis, Vista Social is here for you! We have a competitor analysis tool that gives you an insight into your competitor’s publishing behavior, audience growth, hashtag use, best-performing posts, and many more. 

So, are you ready to dive in and master Instagram competitor analysis for success in 2024? Trust us, it’s gonna be the secret key that takes your game from “meh” to “holy moly!”

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