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There are nearly 5 billion social media users around the world! Yes, you read that right. Social media has become one of the most influential methods of communication for people of all generations.

While there are many benefits to social media, unavoidable downsides have also emerged. One such negative is doomscrolling.

What Is Doomscrolling?

Have you found yourself continuously reading negative articles or posts on social networks? This is called doomscrolling.

Doomscrolling is when one decides to read depressing content and does not even notice that they continue to read such content.

The term doomscrolling has always existed, but it increased in popularity due to traumatic events like the COVID-19 pandemic.

The psychological effects of doomscrolling

Doomscrolling can cause people to compare themselves to others in an unhealthy way. This creates unobtainable, unfair, and unrealisitc social standards.

In turn, social media users of all ages and backgrounds have begun to feel undeniable pressure. Younger people, especially pre-teens, teenagers, and individuals in their 20s and 30s, can become more depressed and lonely due to the effects of doomscrolling.

Why does doomscrolling occur?

Research has suggested that people doomscroll as a means of control. There is so much in this world that one cannot control, but when and why they acquire knowledge is one such thing that is controllable.

People believe the more educated they are, the better prepared they will be for dire situations. What they do not recognize is that doomscrolling negatively affects their mental state. Consistently ingesting depressing news online inevitably translates to negative emotions and feelings.

Eliminating your doomscrolling can improve your overall mental wellbeing. The good news is there are steps you can take to ween yourself off this unhealthy habit.

How to stop doomscrolling?

One of the first steps you can take to improve your doom surfing is to carefully select your sources. Chose a source you trust and a source that has a positive reputation.

The sources you use must be factual, but they also should not have a negative bias. Often, major sources write articles with a negative lens as a scare factor.

When searching the web, limit your screen time. Allow yourself a specific amount of time to read the content you desire and then force yourself to move on to a different activity. This requires discipline, but it will be worth it in the long run.

When reviewing content on the web, be mindful to select more upbeat content. You control what you view. Reading more positive articles or watching uplifting content can make a world of difference.

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Create more responsible content

Since doomscrolling can pose a negative outcome on your mental state, it is crucial that you are proactive and take steps to limit or eliminate this behavior.

Companies can create engaging and positive content with Vista Social. When businesses create meaningful content with good intentions, customers will be pleased to be exposed to healthier content.

Learn about how you can create more meaningful and impactful social media content with Vista Social.

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Vista Social helps you understand and reach your audience, engage your community and measure performance with the only all-in-one social media management with easy-to-use features like publishing, engagement, reviews, reports and listening.