Repurposing your best content for social media

Updated on December 6, 2022

5 min to read

Content Writer

Published January 21, 2022

Repurposing your best content for social media
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Since great content continues to gain more and more importance in the eyes of your customers and search engines, it is essential to develop a process that optimizes your efforts and ensures that goals are achieved.

Often we create amazing content but limit its reach by sticking to one form only or placing it on one medium. As a result, you miss out on great opportunities to attract new customers by making only blogs or webinars, or some other form of evergreen content.

Let’s accept that it is challenging enough to create brand new content from scratch regularly. With that in mind, social media marketers are pretty successful in taking advantage of the existing top-performing content and repurposing it for other channels.

Let’s dive into the topic of content repurposing and learn how it can improve your marketing strategy, save you time, improve your online presence, and generally benefit your business.

Table of contents

What Is Repurposing Content?

Repurposing content (also known as “content recycling”) is a relatively standard practice of reusing all or part of the existing content to expand reach. The recycled content is usually converted to a new format, such as infographics, email, video, or social media posts.

You can use the repurposing of content in the interests of your brand and take advantage of the already created client content.

Advantages of Repurposing Content

Besides maximizing time and energy, repurposing content also helps achieve the following. 

1. Activate less successful content.

Some content you write will not be as effective as others. And the issue is not in the content itself but its context. For example, an e-book that has not attracted many potential customers for your business can be a great set of blog posts that will direct traffic to your website.

2. Attract a new audience. 

New social media users create accounts every day. Try to play with an old part of the blog or article and republish it to show it to a current new audience. You have a chance to get more subscribers and viewers.

3. Increase content reach.

Some of your brand followers are visual learners; others prefer audio. Some like the numbers; others want to see the samples. Repurposing content to different forms of media is an excellent way to extend your influence to different parts of your target audience.

4. Increase your online presence.

The more content you have online, the more powerful your online presence is. Having a robust online presence is crucial to increasing brand awareness, strengthening your audience, and ultimately attracting more customers.

5. Improving your SEO.

Having more content on the web helps to develop your SEO. Search engines prefer websites that can be trusted, so the more high-quality content you have, the more you will be accepted as a reliable source of information.

Where Do You Start?

How to properly start repurposing your content to bring more material and potential customers as part of your marketing strategy?

  • Locate the most popular posts. First of all, when choosing content for repurposing, access your analytics and look at your metrics. Content that has already received many views is likely to be successful even after changing its purpose. Trending topics and previous success should be your starting point for repurposing your content marketing strategy.

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  • Research your potential customers. Determine what platform they are going to for information. There are three stages on the buyer’s path: awareness – consideration – the decision leading to the final conversion. Decide on what stage your repurposed content applies to and adapt your content to cover different segments.

OK, now let’s move on to the main part. How exactly do you repurpose content into a social media post?

How to Repurpose Content for Social Media

1. Create an infographic.

Blog posts, including much statistical data, are well transformed into images. Take an old blog post and create an infographic using the information in this post. The content must look good visually to do this. The infographic images allow readers to understand complex concepts without the complexity and get a complete picture of what you were trying to communicate in the original blog post. It is an excellent solution to repurpose content with minimal time.

2. Post your live stream across platforms.

A live picture always attracts attention, so use live streams to the maximum. Communicate with the audience in real-time, answer questions, follow reactions, and comment. Once finished, you can extend the life of your live stream by adding your video to YouTube or creating short clips for an Instagram feed. Moreover, you can make the screenshots for photo posts and use them as teasers for future live streams. 

3. Turn your webinar into a video tutorial.

Compelling content for social networks works in three directions. First of all, you should not waste time on it. That is, you should learn something new by watching it. Secondly, it should entertain by telling an exciting story. Finally, capturing attention can promote a product or service unusually and unobtrusively. With that in mind, it is not surprising that video tutorials have become the most requested content on social platforms.

If you have a successful webinar, you can use some parts to help viewers solve a specific problem or achieve a goal.

4. Answer the questions.

If you pay special attention to your audience’s questions and needs, they will appreciate it, and as a result, this approach will bring you satisfied customers and repeat sales. But, how is this related to repurposing content? 

Search your social media communities for questions you can answer with existing content. This way, you will give an old content a new life, and such a process will help being found by others asking the same question. 

5. Add reviews to your social media posts.

If you have received excellent reviews about your product or service, you may want to use them to advertise your product page or include it in your social media content strategy. Adding reviews to your social media post will let customers know that your business is trusted and positively influence their decision-making.

6. Create a review post.

Collect your most popular posts from the previous year and describe each in a summary message linked to each publication. Such an approach is a great way to add internal links to your social media platform, attract traffic to other web pages, and increase credibility in the eyes of your audience.


Capitalizing on great content and making it available to as many people as possible is the essence of content marketing. In addition, Internet marketers strive to find scaling methods that provide value to customers and the company’s brand and return qualified targeted traffic to websites.

Take a look at your existing content and think about how you could customize each piece to create a brilliant social media post. This way, you will stop thinking of content as a one-time investment. Instead, you will be surprised how far you can expand your reach if you approach each piece of content with a changing mindset.

Wondering how you will cope with all the posting you are about to repurpose? Discover Vista Social, a modern social media management platform loaded with powerful features to publishengageanalyzelisten, and manage reviews. Start a free trial with no credit card required! 

About the Author

Content Writer

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